Click on each green title for more information/websites
Big Brothers/Big Sisters: Provides an adult mentor for children (USD 383 students, ages 6-17)
Manhattan: 785.776.9575
Junction City: 785.238.1650
Boys and Girls ClubProgramming for children (kindergarten-18 years) focused on character, education, leadership, life skills, etc. 
Manhattan: 785.539.1947
Junction City: 785.717.6578
Douglass Community Recreation Center: Free tutoring, classes, and family activities. 785.587.2773
Family Planning
Head Start: Early childhood and preschool education; hearing, vision, speech; language screenings; assistance for pregnant mothers. Available for low-income families. 785.587.2045
Infant/Toddler Services Network: Free periodic screening for children 0-5years. 785.776.6363
Kansas Children’s Service League: Adoption services, family support services, child abuse prevention, early childhood education, foster care, mental health services, support groups, bullying prevention. Manhattan: 785.477.1879. All other locations: 877.530.5275
Life Choice Ministries: LCM exists to meet the needs of women & families dealing with issues of sexual activity & pregnancy related crisis. LCM is a non-denominational organization, not connected with any one church. 785.776.9406
Manhattan Day Care and Learning Center:  Provides childcare (18months to 7 years) with priority to single parent and low-income families, physical and mental health services. 785.776.5071
Maternal & Infant Program: Education & support for pregnancy and parenting, social services, well child exams, monthly nursing education appt, financial support (if qualified).
Riley County – Manhattan Health Department: 785.587.2875
Junction City – Geary County Health Department: 785.762.5788
Parents as Teachers: Parent educator makes home visits to discuss development and ways to enhance child’s learning. Provides free quarterly screening (developmental, vision, and hearing tests) for children 0-3years.
USD 222: 785.632.5997
USD 320: 785.456.7361
USD 321: 785.889.4617
USD 323: 785.457.2800
USD 378: 785.532.8082
USD 383: 785.587.2058
USD 475: 785.784.3417
Riley County Ext Family and Nutrition Program: Nutrition and cooking classes free to individuals and families.785.537.6350
Pottawatomie Co Ext Family and Nutrition ProgramNutrition and cooking classes free to individuals and families.785.457.3319
Restoration Center, Inc.: Substance abuse treatment; child, adolescents, family counseling services.
Manhattan: 785.537.8809
Junction City: 785.762.4470
Soldier & Family Support CenterFood pantry, info and referral services, family advocacy, child care registration, soldier risk reduction program – military dependents only. 785.239.9435