Over the past year our core leaders have been seeking God’s direction for our church. Through this process, it has become clear to us that the best is yet to come! We are called afresh, to be a church intentionally reaching those apart from Jesus in our community.
At Westview, this focus led us to form a new vision of, “Being bold expressions of God’s love; transforming lives into Jesus’ image through the Holy Spirit.” Our mission, “Reaching and teaching people, near and far, to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”, is inspired by the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20.
BE BOLD: We are called to be brave and bold in the face of challenges of living in today’s culture and engaging our world where people live. (John 17:14-19)
LOVE LOUD: We will be a church that is fully equipped and strengthened to bring the Good News to a hurting world.
(Matthew 28:19, Psalm 96:3)
ENGAGE DEEPLY: We will be a church that grows deeply together in community life, knowing God through His Word and becoming more Christ-like each day. (1 John 1:1-4, Acts 2:42-47)
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